Tag Archives: Adam Ginsberg class action lawsuit

Adam Ginsberg’s Tips for Getting Capital for Your Home-Based Business

4 Dec

Giving up a regular 9–5 job with a monthly pay check to start your own business is never easy, especially in current economic conditions. Getting laid off is even worse because it creates more pressure and often manifests negative feelings in your mind.


That being said, the fact that you’ve made up your mind to trade in your blue or white collars for being your own boss is a great positive step in itself. But, running your own business comes with its own set of pressures and concerns that will keep you up at night. The most common and the biggest concern is raising money to fund and run your business. The economy being the shape that it is in makes it even harder to get financed for a new venture, and digging into your savings does not make sense.


Still, there is money out there to be picked. All you need to do is research to get to the right source, negotiate hard and be ready for rejections. If you keep at it long enough and hard enough, you will find it.


Having a detailed and thorough business plan is the first step to realizing your dreams. No investor will put their money in a business that is not well thought out. On the contrary, for an investor to have faith in your business, they need to have faith in you. Your business plan should reflect your passion, your belief in your idea, your knowledge in the area of your business, and your commitment to make it work. So, before you approach a potential source of funding, make sure that you are armed with a rock-solid plan and unshakeable confidence in yourself.


The next step is to identify a potential source where your funding could come from. The possible sources available could be bank loans, loans from friends and family, venture capital, private-equity funds, government programs, angel investors, credit cards, etc. Research your options and zero down on the most suitable option for your business model and requirements. It wouldn’t do any harm to discuss it with someone experienced in the area of business funding.


As exciting as it is, starting a new venture can also cause a lot of stress, and most of it is money related. So, remember to plan it before you start it; that will ease your pressures tremendously and get you on your way to attain your goals of financial growth, having more personal and family time, and maybe a few luxuries along the way.


If you would like more information or if you have any queries regarding starting your own business, feel free to drop us a line in the comment section below or contact us.


If you are interested in starting an eBay based business, then check out Adam Ginsberg’s blog here for resources and tools. For more of Adam Ginsberg’s resources visit http://adamginsbergreport.com, http://successwithadam.com, and http://secretsofanauctionmillionaire.com.


If you’ve heard about the alleged Adam Ginsberg ripoff or speedlings complaints, please get in touch with us so we can give you the whole story.


To listen to the testimonial of our satisfied customers, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQKfaExQSKg&feature=context-cha.

How to Run a Home Based Business – 5 Top Tips by Ginsberg

20 Nov

Considering setting up a home based business to productively utilize your time and gain financially in the bargain? Read on to see Adam Ginsberg’stop tips in how to make it effective and profitable.

1.  Research

Sure, you are home all the time, have plenty of time to spare and decide to use that time to be productive and profitable. But before you take the jump into the world of home based businesses, take the time to figure out what is it that you are going to do. Is there a market for what you want to sell? Are your finances in order?  Do you have enough capital to launch your business, or would you need a loan? All these questions will be answered when you create a business plan.

2.  Market

Marketing is one of the most essential tools for making a business successful. For selling anything from home, you would definitely need an internet based selling platform. Make sure you make it stand out from the crowd. For example, if it is eBay that you are planning to sell on, then you would be competing with thousands of stores on eBay alone. Get yourself a professional looking storefront, and you can make a mark for yourself. If you are not very familiar with HTML, you could just buy software that would help you set up your virtual store, or you could use Adam Ginsberg’s professionaltemplates.

3.  Plan Your Day

Working from home is not going to be as easy as you may think. You will have distractions. Your spouse, your children, your friends, your chores – they will all vie for your time. To avoid spending time on things that could be avoided, and ending up losing revenue generating opportunities, plan your day. Say ‘no’ to your friends and family if you have to. Once you have a routine, everything falls into place.

4. Get Assistance

If you think you need help taking care of your children, your housework, or even education on how to grow your business, get it. It is not easy running a business with issues distracting you from focusing on it. There are always resources available on the internet. All you have to do is look for them.

5. Get Space

Mark out your space in your home where you will be running your business from. Set it up with all the essentials that you will need — stationery, supplies, telephone, internet, furniture, etc. Not only will it give you a sense of focus, but it will also help with accounting for your expenses. You could get the help of your accountant with what you could claim as expenses incurred on your business, what you could write off and such like.

Whatever business that you decide to run from your home, follow the tips given above and you will make it run more efficiently and profitably than you were before.

For more information or assistance for running a successful home based business, visit http://adamginsbergreport.com and http://successwithadam.com.

To know more about Adam Ginsberg and his products and services go tohttp://successwithadam.com.Click here to see testimonials of satisfied customers:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQKfaExQSKg&feature=context-cha.

Adam Ginsberg: Controversies Resolved

9 Nov

In life, we come across many backseat drivers who criticize successful people from the sidelines and find faults even in perfection. They hate the lovable, and pass judgments on those who find success throughhard work. Something similar happened with Adam Ginsberg, the eBay guru who has helped many novice online sellers to findsuccess with eBay. Ginsberg providespractical and helpful lectures and workshops on internet marketing, but there are people who found fault with his products. These people are none other than those who envy the success of others.

Adam Ginsberg has been an easy target for many such critics from the time he began internet marketing.  He now and then faces challenges buthas borne the test of time, having overcome irrational rumors about personal matters and professional products. Perhaps you’ve even heard about the alleged “Adam Ginsberg fraud” or alleged “Adam Ginsberg ripoff”. Ginsberg has never claimed to be perfect, on the other hand, he’s been guiding his students how to learn from his mistakes the way he himself did! Ginsberg believers that mistakes and goof-ups are, indeed, a healthy part of life, as they give youa chance to learn and improvise.

Believing that if you don’t make mistakes, you don’t make anything, Adam has succeeded because he learned from his mistakes.He corrected himself each time and also suggests that his students follow his example. Being an expert marketing guru, his training programs and workshops are jam-packed with useful tips and information on how to make money online with eCommerce portals like eBay.

It is important to have a mentor who can steer you through the tough and trying times. And, someone who has been through all these phases and has hardened with time is able to empathize with you at every stage. An efficient mentor will employ his years-long experience to guide his students towards an easier route to success; and that’s what Adam Ginsberg does! His experience makes him a wonderful guide as he teaches his students with a logical, practicalapproach. Keeping in mind all the benefits and drawbacks of internet marketing that he has discovered with time, Adam designs his courses, ensuring that his students learn all that they need to know about online selling.

In the last two years, Adam has guided more than 5000 marketing aspirants, who have turned out happy, satisfied and successful in online selling. Obviously, some attendees are unable to put together all the provided help to find success with eBay. These unsuccessful students sometimes float negative feedback around the internet that might not affect the reputation of Adam Ginsberg that he has built over the years, but will shake the faith of many aspiring learners who might miss a chance to become skillful in online marketing business. According to the long-established consumer psychology, unsatisfied consumers are more likely to post a feedback, while many satisfied consumers will just enjoy their new resources and move ahead! This is the reason why you will generally come across more negative feedback than positive.

Adam Ginsberg personally works to resolve all grievances. Yet, at times it is not feasible to individually deal with each and every complaint. For instance, some time back a student who had attended Adam’s two training workshops within six months time and decided to buy the Adam Ginsberg’s training program. This training program comes with a money-back guarantee but the students wanted to return the program after 13 months because of his personal financial crisis. Adam Ginsberg ensures money-back guarantee for students who are not satisfied with the program, not for those who are not able to afford it and realize it after using it for a long time. Such instances add up to personal frustration that leads to posting negative feedback and comments about even a legitimate business or person.

Adam Ginsberg makes sure that he is available for all his students at all times. He can be easily reached through the following internet communities:

Main Website: www.adamginsberg.com.

MySpace Page: www.myspace.com/adamginsberg

Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/adamginsberg

Support Website: www.adamginsbergsupport.com

Here’s a Review Site: www.adamginsbergreviews.com

E-mail him at: customercare@adamginsberg.com

You can also call him direct at the toll free number  888 355 7770 and he’ll be more than happy to talk to you.

Interested in more eBay business resources and tools? Check out my blog here.You can also find out more about our resources at http://adamginsbergreport.com, http://successwithadam.com, and http://secretsofanauctionmillionaire.com. And if you’ve heard about the alleged Adam Ginsberg Fraud or Adam Ginsberg Ripoff, please get in contact with us so we can give you the whole story.

For more information about Adam Ginsberg’s products and services go to http://adamginsbergreport.com. To listen to the testimonial of a satisfied customer, go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FXdAPrPywA&feature=relmfu.